
Kyoto Child-rearing Support Passport

Do you know "Kyoto Child-rearing Support Passport" ? (Kyoto Kosodate Ouen Pasupo-to in Japanese)

About "Kyoto Child-rearing Support Passport Project"
"Kyoto Child-rearing Support Passport Project" publish the passport to families with children(under 18 years), and the families will get various services from participating stores, shops, public facilities and etc...

Example of service in and around Sakyo-ward, Kyoto-city
Some convenience stores; Lawson, Seven-eleven, Family mart, are providing free hot water for baby milk. Also You are able to use the toilet.
You may enter Botanical Garden and Kyoto Pref. Garden of Fine Art. free of charge by showing the card at the entrance gate. However, one person in the same house hold is eligible for this.
Search for participating stores (sorry only in Japanese)

Families with children(under 18 years old) living in Kyoto Prefecture.
Families during pregnancy.

How to use the passport
Show the passport at stores or facilities where there is a sticker(like the image above) on, you will get service.

Where to get the passport (Around Sakyo-ward Kyoto)
〇Pick the card(passport) up from the facilities below. You don't need to fill up any forms or show identiy card.
〇From web site in Japanese (from mobile only)
 Step1 Access to the website with your mobile. http:/
 Step2 Agree to terms of service.
 Step3 Enter user's information (name, address, etc)
  Step4 Save the displayed image.
 Step5 Show your mobile at stores.