
Sat Oct 29, 2011

Aolympic (Play exercise at the yard of Jidokan)
Location: Aoi Jidokan
Time: 13:30-15:30
Target group: Families and children
Others: Contact Jidokan to enter for excises. Wear comfortable clothing and sports shoes.
New Papa and Mama Experience Day (Hoikusho tour, Parent support program "Image training of life with baby")
Location: Kinrin Hoikusho
Time: 10:30-11:30
Target group: Parents who are expecting a new family, those who are interested in child-raising
Father Day (sweet potato digging)
Location: Shugakuin Hoikusho
Time: 10:00-11:30
Target group: Families and children (0-6years)
Halloween Party
Location: Tsudoino Hiroba Peechiku-Pachiku
Time: 10:30-12:00
Target group: Families and children (0-6 years)
Others: Fee 300 yen, application required. Max. 5 people.
Story Time
Location: Donguri Hiroba
Time: 14:00-
Target group: Families and children (0-6years)
Halloween Party (high school students and children with their parents)
Location: Yoshida Jidokan
Time: 10:30-12:00
Target group: Families and children (0-6 years)
Others: Application required. Contact Jidokan.