Location: Iwakura Minami Jidokan
Time: 15:30-16:00
Target group: Children in elementary school
Hohoemi Chan "Hinamatsuri" (Girl's Festival) Toys
Location: Kitashirakawa Jidokan
Time: 10:45-11:45
Target group: Families and children (0-18 motnths)
Valentine’s Day Cooking
Location: Shugakuin Jidokan
Time: 10:15-12:00
Target group: Mothers raising a young child
Others: Registration is required. Please bring an apron, hand towel and food container.
Max: 10 people
Lecture “Parenting through teenager”
Location: Shugakuin Hoikusho
Time: 10:00-11:30
Target group: Welcome everybody
Asobi no Hiroba (Play as animals)
Asobi no Hiroba (Play as animals)
Location: Shirakawa Jidokan
Time: 10:30-12:00 (11:45- Hatopoppo exercise and story time)
Target group: Families and children (0-6 years)
Moco Moco Hiroba (Play with cardboard)
Moco Moco Hiroba (Play with cardboard)
Location: Dannoh Jidokan
Time: 10:30-11:30
Target group: Families and children (0-6 years)
Consultation Day with expert with nutrition
Consultation Day with expert with nutrition
Location: Tsudoino hiroba Peechiku-Pachiku
Time: 10:30-12:00
Target: Families and children (0-6 years)
Handbell Concert
Handbell Concert
Location: Donguri Hiroba
Time: 14:00-
Target: Families and children (0-6 years)
Panda no Kai (Let’s make a toy)
Panda no Kai (Let’s make a toy)
Location: Yosei Hoikusho
Time: 10:00-12:00
Target group: Families and children (0-6 years)
Chiisana Ehon no Kai (Volunteers will read a variety of picture books)
Location: Aoi Jidokan
Target group: Welcome everybody