
Wed. Oct. 18, 2017

Petit  Kotori-Gumi Class
Place: Eikando Yochien
Time: 10:30-12:30
Target group: Families and children (1-2 years)
Notes: Bring indoor shoes.
Open Day (Everyone is welcome. Let’s play together!)
Place: Okazaki Yojien
Time: 10:30-11:30
Target group: Families and children (0-6 years)
Hohoemichan “Baby Massage”
Place: Kita-shirakawa Jidokan
Time: 10:30- 11:00, 11:10-11:40
Target group: Families and children (0-18 months)
Fee: 500 yen (for a half year)
Notes: Bring towel, tea bottle, etc. Reservation is required from 19th Sep. Up to 5 pairs.
Kinrin Kosodate Child-rearing Workshop
Place: Kinrin Jidokan
Time: 10:30-12:00
Target group: Families and children (0-6 years)
Notes: We will have a series of workshops (This is 2 of 3). Let's learn how to get involved with children appropriately in playing and daily life according to your children's growth and development. 
Mama Aerobics
Place: Shugakuin Jidokan
Time: 10:30-11:30
Target group: Mothers (You can bring your kids but child care service will not be provided.)
Fee: 200 yen
Notes: Bring clothes for exercise, towel, indoor shoes, tea bottle, etc.
Akachan Baby Salon
Place: Shirakawa Jidokan
Time: 10:30-11:30
Target group: Families (including expectant mothers) and children (0-18 months)
Mickey Hiroba (Free play time)
Place: Matsugasaki Jidokan
Time: 10:30-12:00
Target group: Families and children (0-6 years)
Nakayoshida Club (Mini indoor obstacle course)
Place: Yoshida Jidokan
Time: 10:30-11:30
Target group: Families and children (0-6 years)
Notes: You can register anytime.
