
Mon Oct 31, 2011

Asobi no Hiroba
Location: Ichiharano Jidokan
Time: 10:30-11:30 (11:15 finger play and picture story show)
Target group: Families and children (0-6years)
Halloween Party
Location: Shugakuin Jidokan
Time: 10:30-12:00
Target group: Families and children (0-6years)
Others: Registration necessary.
Hidamari Hiroba "Baby Food Tips" by a dietitian
Location: Shugakuin Dai-ni Jidokan
Time: 10:30-11:30
Target group: Families and children (0-6years)
Let's Play at Iwakura Minami Koen Park
Location: Iwakura Minami Koen Park
Time: 10:30-11:30
Target group: Families and children (0-6years)
Others: will be cancelled in case of rain. sponsored by Shugakuin Hoikusho.
Niko Niko Day (free play with ball tent, slide etc.)
Location: Shirakawa Jidokan
Time: 10:00-12:00 (11:50- Let's do some Elephant yawns!)
Target group: Families and children (0-6years)
Play Fishing
Location: Donguri Hiroba
Time: 14:00-
Target group: Families and children (0-6years)
Community Time with Elderly People
Location: Meitoku Jidokan
Time: 11:45-12:00
Target group: Families and children (0-6years)
Others: have some exercises with elderly people.
Birthday Party
Location: Yosei Hoikusho
Time: 11:00-11:30
Target group: Families and children (0-6years)
Suku Suku de Lunch
Location: Yosei Hoikusho
Time: 10:30-11:30
Target group: Families and children (0-6years)
Others: Bring your lunch.